Saturday, February 25, 2017

Evolution of a Collage

I spent the week of my winter break working on a new collage. I was itching to do something creative, but I had no $ to go shop in any of my favorite craft stores. So, I trekked out to my garage and I found a piece of wood that I rescued from the roadside at some point. Some people joke that I'm a hoarder, but I know that's not true because everything I pick up has a use, even if I don't figure it out at first. It was nothing special- probably an old cabinet door. There were a bunch of rusty nails in it, so I had to pry them out first. It had a layer of old paint on it.

Below you can see the evolution of it. I started with images from magazines; whenever I'm flipping through a magazine, I tear out/clip any image that I find interesting. I covered up most of the paint, but I left a little showing around the sides. On top of the magazine images, I did a couple of little places with blue and pink paint, using the very sophisticated credit card swipe method. I placed some random objects that I've found in thrift stores/roadside/dumpster dives: jewelry findings, a vintage doily, paper flowers, and some home-made magnetic poetry words. I played with the placement of them, and when I  was satisfied with the way it looked, I glued everything down and put a clear coat over it all.

Since it's going to be Women's History month soon, I figured I'd give a little close up of this portion.

 I found the home-made magnetic poetry words at the bottom of a bin in the Goodwill outlet store. I also found a Candy Land board game from 1979, with the box top. I loved the images on them, and I can't wait to find a use for them.

 And I had to scoop up this vintage Ninja Turtle plush toy, too:

Sometimes I feel like an imposter or a fraud when I make my collages- like I'm just randomly gluing things together and then calling it "art", when there should be a concept, or a theme, or a statement behind it. But then I remember that even if I did have my own intention when I create something, the people who see it (if any) are going to have their own ideas and interpretations anyways. Ultimately, my own thoughts are secondary to how the piece makes other people feel when they look at it.

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