Sunday, April 1, 2012

God, Himself could not explain to me why we need to see this ship sink in 3D

Being a History scholar and film enthusiast, I am naturally psyched about the upcoming rerelease of James Cameron’s 1997 epic Titanic.

I saw this movie seven times in the theater, and every time I was still invested in the romantic fate of Rose and Jack. I also was horrified each time upon watching the victims of the tragedy drown, fall to their deaths and freeze in the icy Atlantic. There are so many reasons why this infamous accident has captured the American, and the world’s collective imagination. The Edwardian attitude of man’s infallibility is probably the biggest one. Even now, over 100 years later, people still want to know more about what exactly happened on the night of April 14th, 1912. recently, there was a story that scientists believe the moon’s cycle that year affected the earth in a way which led to icebergs traveling more, which explains why there were so many in the ship passageways.

I enjoy reading and learning about the Titanic, and also watching films about it.

However, when I heard that Titanic is being released in 3D this month, I have to wonder “Why?”. I understand that 3D is a big thing, and it helps ensure that a film’s release will generate profits. I also understand that Cameron’s Titanic was a blockbuster hit (thanks to fans like me!).

But I do not feel that a film that depicts approx. 1500 people dying in such horrifying ways necessitates a huge 3D translation. It’s as if the film‘s new tagline will be “Witness the destruction and death in life-like detail!”

I realize that jack and Rose are fictional characters, but there are a handful of characters based on actual people, but what should it matter either way? I touched on this in an earlier post about our need as a society to preserve every single site/building that has played a role in any historical event; are we already removed far enough so that we no longer view the Titanic as a human tragedy but as a freak accident that makes us gawk?

Would anyone really want to see a film about Vietnam in bloody, 3D detail? What is the relationship between a historic event, especially a tragedy, and the length of time since it occurred that equates when it is appropriate to exploit it for monetary gain?

I “am ready to go back to Titanic” as Brock Lovett asks old Rose, but I am grateful that I did not have to live through this event, so I do not feel the need to pay for the illusion that I did.

Whatever my ticket does cost me, it will be worth it to reaffirm my love for Leo.

"I'll never let go, Jack. I promise."

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