Sunday, April 28, 2019

New Year's Resolution Update

My resolution for 2019 was to embrace my personal style, which is colorful and eclectic.  I sometimes feel pressured to dress and decorate my home the ways that other women my age tend to. However, most of the home decor trends simply do not appeal to me. I don't really like modernism or minimalism or neutral colors. In January, I wrote about wanting to makeover the front room of my house because it just didn't feel like me. I've been working on it ever since, and it finally resembles my kind of room.

I really wanted a fireplace. I thought it would match the vintage character of the house, and the wall of the front room always looked very blank, no matter how I tried arranging the room. I looked at a few mantels at antique stores but I ended up finding one at Salvation Army for $40. I bought it immediately and had my husband come pick it up. It's obviously meant to be a decorative one, but I already had a large candelabra that I placed in the bottom of it, and it fit perfectly. Above the fireplace is a print that a friend gifted me, depicting mermaids surrounding a champagne glass. Lots of flowers and candles around it, too.

In my front window are two branches that I spray painted silver. I hung them from the curtain rod with thin wire, and strung chandelier prisms on them. The catch the light as the sun rises over the pond in the morning, filling the house with tiny rainbows. It's like that scene in Pollyanna!

The couch was an old thrift store find in a very blah, neutral tan color. I covered it with a cozy throw blanket, and got new pillow cases to cover some throw pillows. We found the purple rug at Marden's and I put my beloved antique Ouija board (a find from the flea market in Maryland) on the coffee table.

We found this old desk, with wonderful green chippy paint on the roadside. Now it's a sofa table that holds some of my favorite antique books, and votives in jam jars.

I spent much of my spring break painting, and I decided to fill my front room with my own creations. This square canvas is an upcycled one which I coated with gesso, and used a palette of blues, greens and golds.

I watched The Unicorn Store on Netflix recently, and the character reminded me a lot of myself (and my friends agree). I shouldn't be embarrassed by my Care Bears and Rainbow Brite collection, or my paintings and homemade windchimes; it's just who I am.

I like my life to be colorful.

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