Friday, January 11, 2019

Snow Days and Sick Days

On Tuesday we had a two hour delay, which most of us expected.

 Wednesday's cancellation was kind of a surprise; it wasn't preceded by the usual rumors and speculations. It started out as a delay, but I wasn't too far down the road when my husband called to let me know the school had cancelled, and I was very grateful. The road conditions were terrible.

I tried to use the day well. As soon as I got back home, I baked some snowball cookies to celebrate.

 I planned an 'escape room' type of activity for the 5th graders, based on Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman.

I hung new curtains in my front room, in keeping with my New Year's Resolution. One pair I bought online, and I was excited that the total cost (including shipping) was less than $25. Then later that day, when the roads were clear, I found a pair of dusty pink velvet curtains at Salvation Army for $1.50. Whatever the price, they are brightening up the room.

I also worked on a few art projects. I have been really into altered tins, and I also made some matchbox scenes:

I was excited to see that Mr. Holland's Opus is streaming on Hulu; it's one of my favorite 'teacher' movies.

Thursday was a regular school day, and the escape room activity I planned went over really well. It was pretty challenging, so none of the students completed it yet, but I'm confident they will come in next week, aching to get started on it again.

Today, I am home using a sick day. I feel fine, but my son has had a fever over the past couple days and is in no shape to go to daycare, so he is at home resting.

I had a little panic yesterday afternoon; I received an email from my online course instructor that our first assignment was due at midnight, and she was concerned because I hadn't even logged in yet. I had misunderstood the academic calendar I guess, so as soon as I got home I had to set up an account, do the readings, and submit my first post. It wasn't really the way I was hoping to begin my 3rd round of graduate school. Maybe I should make another New Year's Resolution to concentrate on time management.

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